Arty the Art Scareapist

Hi, Everyone!
Remember me?
It’s Arty, the Art Scareapist!
I don’t know about you, but this last year I’ve been very busy. I’ve been helping kids deal with scary things. Last year we made some really cool puppets and introduced everyone to some famous artists while we waited for the eclipse. Check out this selfie of me, watching the eclipse!
I’ve been thinking about how much I love Fairport; there’s so much to do! I’ve really been considering how to be a good neighbor to you all! It’s the job of an art scareapist to bring the community together and foster connections in the neighborhood.
I’ve been doing some research and I’ve learned a lot! Check out the Hall of Neighbors I’ve been working on. I found this print of my very favorite neighbor, Mr. Rogers. I can’t decide who’s a better neighbor, Jack from State Farm or Mr. Rogers. Either way, I want to be a good neighbor, just like them! I have all my supplies on hand, in case you need to borrow anything!
Don’t forget to vote for me this year! Continue to follow us online to see all my new adventures!